E-Risk Assessment

Fleetmaster takes a holistic view with regards to driver risk management and continually invests in the development of new training products and services to maintain its position at the forefront of its chosen profession. Fleetmaster’s self-assessment and risk assessment software provides organisations with a cost-effective online training and development solution that is easy to implement and manage and delivers content that addresses an employer’s ‘duty of care’ whilst helping to create a safe and compliant working environment.


Self-Assessment helps to build a profile of your employees and includes questions that probe employees’ driving experiences and personal data relating to driving.

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment software is divided into specific fleet categories (For Example; Car, Van, 7.5 tonne etc) and assesses your employees against:

  • Company specific policies
  • Attitudes and behaviours
  • Driving skills
  • The Highway Code
  • Legal and compliant requirements


Every employee will be risk-rated as high, medium or low. The results from the self-assessment and risk assessment provide a complete picture of the driver’s abilities that allows the business to identify drivers who are ‘at risk’. The data can be sent directly to the employee’s manager if required. Fleetmaster will recommend specific training to improve the driver’s ability and knowledge. Additional modules are available and can be tailored to meet your specific requirements and targeted to address areas of weakness.

Additional Learning

Our risk assessment tool has the option for additional learning. This works on the answers given by the candidate during the risk assessment and the system determines where there are areas of weakness. The candidate will then be given additional modules to complete which will count towards their overall risk rating. Dependant on the number of areas identified, the candidate could be selected to do a number of additional modules from 0 to 10.

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